The chart gives data about the yearly rate of GDP growth in Tunisia, Japan and Ecuador from 2007 to 2010
It can be seen that the rate of GDP growth in Japan increased steadily while the figures for the other two nations experienced a decline over the period.
Looking at the chart in more detail, the Japanese yearly rate of growth in GDP experienced a gradual upturn, from 2% in the year 2007 to just under 7% in 2010. Meanwhile, there was a non-stop decrease in Tunisia’s figures through the years, from approximately 6% to only 3%, which was much lower than that of Japan. Starting at 3% during the first year of the period, the percentage of GDP growth in Ecuador rose to over 4% in the next year, followed by a significant drop to only 1% in 2009. This figure soon recovered to roughly 2% in 2010, which was the lowest among the three countries